When my oldest son was around 1 1/2 - 2 years old, he was diagnosed with asthma. I honestly thought the doctors were just throwing the term around, but the last few years have proven that he indeed has it. About 2-3 times a year it gets really difficult for him. If he gets a cold when it is a particularly bad time of year for him, this is what we have to do:
Thankfully this doesn't happen often, but sometimes the regular inhaler just isn't enough, and we need to get on top of it with nebulizer treatments in order for him to fully get better. As you can see in his eyes, he just isn't feeling well.
But he's a great sport about it, and generally finds something to keep him occupied for the 5 or so minutes it takes to finish the medicine out of the cup. Here he's playing with a string made into a lasso and a car. Seriously, one of his favorite "toys" is string or those small bungee cords used to secure tarps and things down. He loves using string to tow things with. He's easy to please!
I am pleased to report that the first 24 hours of cloth diapering is going well. Well to be perfectly honest I'm not certain I will be a cloth diaper-er 100% of the time. I used disposables for night and nap time. Don't want to fuss with a good thing (our daughter has always been a great sleeper!) Some things I've learned are: don't let the inner prefold diaper that is used for soaking stick out of the diaper cover. It wicked out and got her clothes wet! Also, you need to change more frequently. But I'm guilty of probably not changing enough, so I'm not too upset about this. And another thing is that the poop thing was no big deal whatsoever.
When my grandmother passed away a few years back, I was given a few linens which I have about the house, and I also grabbed this thing-a-ma-jig just because it looked neat.
I've learned it is a drying rack, and have never had a real chance to use it until now. It has six rungs, and since I have six diaper covers, it will be perfect for drying them! I decided to air dry simply to avoid wearing out the Velcro. Anyway, the drying rack folds up like this and takes up hardly any space at all! Isn't it neat?
On a totally different note - look what surprises come with not weeding!
I haven't had a chance to pull out what I thought was a big weed growing smack dab in the middle of my juniper bushes (is that what these are called? A very low lying, sprawling type juniper) Good thing I didn't, as it looks like a chipmunk or something hid a sunflower seed in there, and now I expect to have a beautiful sunflower in the middle of my bushes! And I was sad that I didn't get a chance to plant sunflowers this spring! Look what God provided through a chipmunk! I'll take a picture when it blooms!
I don't expect to blog as regularly as I have this week, but with the children having colds, it has been pretty quiet here, with a lot of rest time. As it says in I Thessalonians 5:18, we are to give thanks in all circumstances. I can be thankful for the time when my children are not feeling well, as it causes them to be more dependent on me. My oldest son isn't typically a cuddly boy, especially as the years are going by, but when he is feeling sick, he climbs up in my lap, looking for some extra mommy time.
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