My feeble mind has trouble grasping that God is everywhere and involved in all of my days. I suppose if I think of this as a mother though, I can understand it a little bit (little being a huge understatement. I can't even compare myself a little to that of my Father in Heaven). Whether my kids are walking close by me, or are away at school, I know their goings on. I have limitations, as I said, but God does not. He understands, knows, and is intimately involved in us, whether we are walking close by Him, or are away from Him. Psalm 139 says this about God:
O Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known me.
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising,
Thou understandest my thought afar off.
Thou compasseth my path and my lying down,
and art acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo
O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.
Thou hast beset me behind and before,
and laid thine hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or
whither shall I flee from thy presence?
If I ascend up into heaven,
Thou art there;
if I made my bed in hell, behold,
Thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me,
and thy right hand shall hold me.
Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Try as I might, I cannot run away and hide from God. He is everywhere and is all-knowing. He knows every word that will seep out of my mouth. He knows every thought that I have. He knows every TV show that I watch, every magazine that I read, every song that I listen to.
He also is my Creator (Psalm 139:14), and knows I am dust (Psalm 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.) So rather than trying to be Mrs. Perfect, all I must do is pray for God to search me, and know my heart. I need to be soft clay, willing to let my Creator mold me as He sees fit. As I pray the last verses of Psalm 139, if God reveals that there is sin in my heart or in my mind, I must confess it, leave it with Him, and move on in His arms, doing what is right, in His strength alone.
I pray today, that as I think, as I dream, as I go about my ways, that the Lord would search me, yes, even try me, so that any wickedness can be brought to my attention. I pray that I would be easily molded, and not resistant to His loving discipline as so often children are (am I right mother or father? We know this to be true if we look at our own children). I pray I would understand my own stubborn heart as I shepherd my children today and everyday. Let me be obedient to God so that I can be an example to my children. Let my life not be one of "Do as I say, not as I do" as I go about disobeying my heavenly Father. Let my life be "Let's learn together to draw strength from our God, so that we all can do the right thing." I pray I would fully comprehend "Thou art there", and remember that every thought, dream or statement is fully known by my loving God. Yes, let me live as - W.W.J.D.
Trying to find His blessings in it all,
Jen :)
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